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Phone Directory

Fannin County Georgia Government

911 Dispatch 706-632-6022
if you have an emergency, please dial 911
Addressing 706-632-8984
Ambulance Service 706-632-4755
Animal Control 706-632-3845
Arts Association 706-632-2144
Blue Ridge City Hall 706-632-2091
Board of Elections 706-632-7740
Commissioners Office 706-632-2203
Courthouse Weather Hotline 706-946-7800
Court: Clerk of Court 706-632-2039
Court: Juvenile 706-632-2225
Court: Magistrate 706-632-5558
Court: Probate 706-632-3011
Court: Superior 706-632-2039
Court: District Atty 706-632-2496
Court: Public Defender 706-258-4534
Environmental Office 706-632-3024
Extension Office 706-632-3061
Fire Department 706-632-4711
including burn permits
Georgia Dept of Labor 706-632-2033
Health Department 706-632-3023
Jail 706-632-2045
Land Development 706-632-8361
Lodging Tax Info & Reporting 706-258-5170
Parks & Recreation 706-632-7696
Road Department 706-632-5481
Sheriff's Office 706-632-2044
Tax Assessor 706-632-5954
Tax Commissioner 706-632-2645
including Tags & Titles
Water Authority 706-258-5160
including Tags & Titles