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Water Authority

Phone: 706-258-5160

Call the Fannin County Water Authority at 706-258-5160.

Text: alerts to (706) 514-4743 to sign up for alerts

Call the Fannin County Water Authority at 706-258-5160.

Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
logo for the Fannin County Georgia Water Authority

Fannin County Water Authority

171 Church Street
Blue Ridge, Georgia 30513
phone: 706-258-5160
fax: 706-946-4322
email: Brian Stuart

After Hours or Water Emergency:


The billing cycle is, approximately, from the first of each month and due upon receipt no later than the 20th of each month. Payment Options: Check, Money Order, Cash, Debit, Credit Card, or Pay Online.

Fannin County Water Authority introduces a NEW ONLINE Payment System. Easy to use. Click here to set up your account that allows you to pay your water utiility bill using a credit card, debit card, or monthly automatic draft payments. In addition, you can pay your water bill by calling 7064655900.

Beginning July 1, 2024, FCWA will be transitioning from the leak protection policy to a new structured tier rate.

The Fannin County Water Authority complies with the Georgia Safe Drinking Water Act of 1977, and is permitted to operate a public community water system by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.

A regular monthly meeting is held on the second Wednesday of each month at 2:00pm in the Fannin County Courthouse Commissioner’s Office Conference Room, Suite 100. We welcome all interested parties to attend and explore new water service opportunities.

  • Chairwoman
    Mrs. Anita Weaver
  • Vice Chairman
    Mr. Larry Chapman
  • Water Distribution System Operator & General Manager
    Brian Stuart
  • Water Distribution System Operator & Administrator
    Connie McVey
  • Contractor
    Dusty Stanco

Forms, Records, Documents, Requests for Bids

  • None at this time.