Emergency Management Agency (EMA)
E911 Services & Addressing
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Fannin County Fire Department

Fannin County Georgia EMA
20 Station Ridge
Blue Ridge, GA 30513
Director: Email Patrick Cooke
Deputy Director: Larry Thomas
The mission of Fannin County Georgia EMA is to provide a comprehensive and aggressive all-hazards approach to homeland security initiatives, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery and special events.
The Georgia Emergency Management Agency provides an online form to allow the public to self-report damages to their homes, businesses, and public facilities as result of a disaster.
Click here for the GEMA Damage Reporting Form (opens in new tab).
The Emergency Management Agency supervises the following departments: EMA, Emergency Medical Services, Fire/Rescue, E911, and Addressing. The Fannin County EMA is under the guidelines of Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA).
It is partially funded by the state requiring a certified Emergency Manager.
Focus of the Fannin County EMA
Protect life and property and to prevent and/or reduce the negative impact of natural and man-made disasters in Fannin County Georgia.
- responsible for the county emergency operation plan and the hazard mitigation plan
- operate the emergency operation center in case of a disaster
- coordinate county, city, and state efforts towards and emergency event
Fannin County Georgia E911
20 Station Ridge
Blue Ridge, GA 30513
fax: 706-632-8003
911 Director: Email Jill Huffman
EMnet” provides Fannin County E-911 with advanced warning of any emergency situation that concerns our service area. Fannin County E-911 seeks to provide the most effective and professional Emergency Communication possible and to provide rapid and convenient access to public safety for the citizens of Fannin County and those visiting.
Fannin County Enhanced 911 has been in operation since 1994 and continues to be upgraded. There are two communications officers on duty at all times with a third communications officer on duty part-time to handle emergency calls and to assist the public through their computer aided dispatch.
Fannin County E-911 was one of the first centers to utilize “Phase 1” cellular phone service in 2002. This traps the number of any cell phone caller allowing us to call back for additional information if necessary. In 2004, “Phase 2” went on line allowing Fannin E-911 to locate the site of any cell phone call with GPS coordinates.
Emergency Medical Services
20 Station Ridge
Blue Ridge, GA 30513
Director: Becky Huffman
Deputy Director: Ryan McDaris
EMS Billing: Email Amanda Foster
billing phone: Call 706-632-2011
billing fax: 706-632-3818
Fannin County Emergency Medical Services is zoned to cover the entire 392 square miles of Fannin County with its 24,000 full time residents. To do this, four fully staffed ambulances have been stationed in the north Georgia cities of McCaysville, Blue Ridge, Morganton, and Dial.
Each ambulance contains a paramedic and an Emergency Medical Technician who provide 24/7 coverage. In addition, there are three reserve ambulances and eight first responder rescue vehicles at various fire stations.
Fannin County EMS handles about 5,500 calls each year including E911 responses and inter-hospital transfers. EMS also provides training classes in first response and CPR. Their mission is to provide the best quality care for the citizens of Fannin County.
Fannin County Fire Department
20 Station Ridge
Blue Ridge, GA 30513
Click for Burn Permits (opens in new browser tab)
Fire/Rescue Chief & EMA Deputy Director: Email Larry Thomas
Deputy Chief: Rob Ross
Training Officer: Michael Cornelius
fax: 706-632-7741
The Fannin County Fire Department provides fire protection and rescue services to all of Fannin County, including the cities of Blue Ridge, McCaysville, and Morganton. The department provides:
- First responders
- Rescue specialists
- Swift water rescue
- Dive team
- Mountain wilderness rescue
- Hazardous material response
- Pressurized container response
The Fannin County Fire Department is a professional and dedicated team, comprising 40 full-time firefighters and over 80 volunteer firefighters, all led by a full-time Fire Chief and Deputy Chief. Each firefighter has first responder medical training, with many having advanced EMT and Paramedic Training. The department operates from 14 fire stations, each equipped with a class A pumper, and 11 stations with an additional tanker. Additionally, the department boasts an aerial ladder truck, and seven stations are equipped with a rescue/squad truck.
The county is classified as an ISO Class 5 /5X for insurance purposes, meaning that if the house is within one thousand feet of a pressurized fire hydrant and five road miles of a fire station, the rating is a five, and if the house is within the five road miles of a fire station but not within one thousand feet of a pressurized fire hydrant, the rating will be a 5X. Any structure over five road miles from a fire station will be classified as a ten. ISO ratings affect the cost of insurance on all structures. A lower ISO rating generally results in a lower insurance cost for the structure.
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